CE marking deadline for construction products revoked

CE marking deadline for construction products revoked

The Minister for Building Safety and Homelessness has issued a Written Ministerial Statement regarding recognition of CE marking for construction products. The previously stated deadline of 30 June 2025 for CE marking recognition in Great Britain has now been revoked.

“The CE mark will continue to be available when placing construction products on the market across the UK,” Rushanara Ali said in the statement. “We have listened to the findings from the Independent Review of the Construction Products Testing Regime. This was clear that there is currently insufficient testing and certification capacity in the UK alone to provide the volume of conformity assessment that would be required were CE recognition to end.”

As part of the UK’s departure from the European Union, the previous government announced new rules requiring products that had previously had the CE markings to move to the new United Kingdom Conformity Assessed (UKCA) mark to demonstrate compliance with Great Britain product safety regulations. However, the UKCA implementation, which was originally scheduled to become mandatory on 1 January 2022, was repeatedly delayed after the industry raised concerns about the lack of specialised testing houses and capability to process imported construction products to ensure they meet UKCA marking regulations.